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Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 2: The Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras

Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 2: The Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras
In the part 2 of the Magic Chakras - Colour Heals blog we will continue to tell you how wearing specific Chakra colours affects us and how to use this knowledge to our benefit in the opening the 4th, 5th and 6th Chakras: the Heart, Throat and Third Eye. When blocked or misaligned all Chakras affect negatively our physical body and/or psyche one way or another but wearing specific colours attributed to them and performing certain Yoga poses, mantras and exercises helps in restoring Chakras, opening and balancing them.

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I LOVE STRiPES – Four Ways to Add Stripes to Your Wardrobe

I LOVE STRiPES – Four Ways to Add Stripes to Your Wardrobe

4 Best Ways to Style Stripes

Having some striped items in your wardrobe can help take it to another level. Stripes add variety and help break up an otherwise monotonous outfit. Knowing the tips and tricks to style them can truly make all the difference in putting your outfits together. 

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Tips on Sustainable Fashion - Celebrate Rainforest All Year Round

Tips on Sustainable Fashion - Celebrate Rainforest All Year Round

Fast fashion is killing our environment with tons of textile waste! Think about buying high-quality garments that will endure for many years. This is a more sustainable option than keeping up with every fad, and you may save money in the long run. 

Creating a capsule wardrobe is a good place to start. The idea is mix and match a few newer items with your favorite classic pieces. In celebration of Rainforest Day, FabARTonstuff has designed a special ‘You TouCan Collection’ that shows you how you can do just that!

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